Monday, April 28, 2008

One of my favorite people....

I've never met Carol Emma... yet she has become one of my very favorite people. Just in brief emails and through reading her blog I've realized that we are kindred spirits. I admire her greatly and have a great admiration for her views on life and for her work.

To get a glimpse into her life... check out her blog...
A glimpse into her work can be found in her etsy shop (although she does not list all of her work here) Carol Emma Handcrafted Jewelry
Here are a few of my favorite things! (I feel like breaking into song!!!)

...raindrops on roses and.....

just click on the images to be taken to that page in her shop....

She has a unique sense of style... and I love it! Just slightly off the beaten path... a little more 'zen' than the typical jewelry designer...

I originally met Carol Emma because of her cards (that she used to sell at Highwood Studio)... they are fabulous! Very insightful quotes that I have framed and hung on my wall. I hope she starts selling them again.
They are simply inspirational!


Carol said...

Oh Kim!
How sweet of you and what a lovely surprise! Thanks so much for your kind words and for your friendship!

Kimberly Monaco said...

Oh Carol Emma.... I'm totally in awe of you... and I feel your kindness and friendship from miles and miles away.