Sunday, April 6, 2008

Free Food and Inspiring Info in Cleveland Hts.

Free Vegetarian Dinner & Being a Joyful Vegetarian in a Non-Veg World Talk
Monday, April 14, 2008

Cleveland Heights Library, 2345 Lee Rd, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Join Mercy For Animals for a delicious, free vegan dinner and an inspiring talk by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, author of The Joy of Vegan Baking and founder of Compassionate Cooks ( She will give advice on coping with the painful awareness of how cruelly animals are treated, offer survival tips for dealing with the social and emotional pressures to eat animals, and empower you to live as a joyful vegetarian.

(If you need more information about this event, please contact Mercy For Animals at

About Colleen Patrick-Goudreau:
A long-time vegan and animal activist, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau focuses her energies primarily on animals raised for food, though she came to be a voice for animals first through working on behalf of those in shelters, puppy mills, and research laboratories.
Having been raised on a typical American diet of meat, dairy, and eggs, it was when she read John Robbins Diet for a New America that she could no longer justify eating mammals. Eventually she included fish in her circle of compassion, and after reading Slaughterhouse, it became clear to her that no animal raised for human consumption - whether for their flesh, milk, or eggs - escapes the horrors and cruelties of slaughter.

Having earned a master's degree in English Literature, Colleen uses her writing and communication skills to raise awareness of the animal issues about which so many people are ignorant - both as the result of brilliant and careful marketing by the meat/dairy/egg industries and because of people's desire to avoid the pain of knowing the truth. She founded Compassionate Cooks to focus on the bottom line for most people: eating. She founded Compassionate Cooks because over 45 billion land and sea animals are killed in the U.S. every year for human consumption. Her work is dedicated to them.

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