Sunday, January 18, 2009

looking for a job?

ok... this is being advertised as "the best job in the world" and it truly sounds that way to me!... and it pays $105,000 for only 6 months!!!
check it out.. it's for real!

job description

The Caretaker of the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef is a newly created position. There are a few minor tasks that need to be taken care of, but the most important duty is to report back to Tourism Queensland (and the world) and let us know what’s taking place on the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef.

download the full job description here

read the Fox news story here

applications are being taken until Feb. 22nd!


Photography By Terri Harper said...

Don and I already checked it out, have considered applying, can't get on to web page, too many people trying to get on. Will have to try again soon.
Everything okay, still haven't heard back from ya?

Evelin said...

apparently the webpage has been taken down..

I just read the foxnews, I want the job!!!


Jackie said...

I've heard the buzz about this job, too - sort of fun to try to keep tabs on it!

Manteiga Voadora said...

Hi! What a wonderful blog!
I was wondering if you want to exchange links with my blog!

Unknown said...

A caretaker of a beautiful island. Only in my dreams!